Broken Link Checker for YouTube : 掲載したYOUTUBE動画が削除されたら教えてくれる


Broken Link Checker for YouTube
Broken Link Checker for YouTube is a WordPress plugin that will automatically validate
YouTube embeds found in your published posts content using the official API.
It does this by extracting video IDs from each post and querying the YouTube
API to ensure those IDs are still valid. This is a MUST for any video
site that wants to retain their visitors and not annoy them with broken

Broken Link Checkerの YouTube 版ですな。助かります。


他のプラグイン同様、WordPress管理画面 > プラグイン > 新規追加 >「Broken Link Checker for YouTube」で検索

Warning: Undefined variable $related_posts_target in /home/doranekoweb/ on line 20


* (公開されません)